钢琴 2023-Feb-16
实 际上,RCM考级隶属于加拿大皇家音乐学院(The Royal Conservatory of Music),已有百余年历史,每年冬、春、夏季考三次。它和中国国内的音乐考级一样,分为不同科目和级别,要求演奏规定的曲目,而且有相应的考级教材出 版。RCM考级所设级别从入门级(Preparatory)开始,有1-10(Grade1-Grade 10)级、表演证书(Performance)以及教师证书(可以从事相应科目的教学工作),是一个业余及专业音乐考试体系。。
RCM 并不要求必须从某个级别开始考,因此考生可以根据自己的情况或者老师的建议选择参加考试的级别。我们的孩子参加RCM考试通常从低级别考级开始,除了要参 加演奏考试之外,还要参加相应的理论考试。如下表所示,从演奏5级开始,考试者就被要求参加理论考试,若未能通过理论考试,演奏成绩再好也不能取得级别证 书。在演奏考试中,除了要考已经准备好的曲目之外,考试还要考视唱练耳(Ear Tests)和视奏(Sight Reading)。当孩子取得一定级别证书后,可以用作学分而免修相应课程。不同的省对应的学分不同,更多详情请参考RCM官方网站。
一. RCM钢琴等级考试要求
钢琴等级 | Repertoire (曲目) | Studies/Etudes (练习曲) | Technical Tests 基本练习 (音阶、琶音、和弦演奏) | Ear Tests (视唱练耳) | Sight Reading (视奏) | Theory Co-requisite (乐理要求) |
Grade 10 | One selection from List A: Works of J.S. Bach 12 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical Repertoire 14 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 10 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, early 20th century Repertoire 10 (1) One selection from List E: 20th and 20th century Repertoire 10 (1) | two studies/etudes from the Syllabus list | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments History 1: An Overview History 2: Middle Ages to Classical Intermediate Harmony or Intermediate Keyboard Harmony | |
Preparatory A | Two selections from the Repertoire List, One selection of Teacher’s choice | No | Pentascales in: C, G, D major and A minor | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Preparatory B | Two selections from the Repertoire List, One selection of Teacher’s choice | No | Major keys: C, G, A, E and F major Minor keys: A, E and D minor-scales, pentascales, contrary motion scales and triads | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 1 | One selection from List A: Baroque and Classical Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Inventions 14 | one study or etude from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, G, F Minor keys: A, E, D Scales, staccato scales, contrary motion scale, chromatic scale and triads | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 2 | One selection from List A: Baroque and Classical Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Inventions 14 | one study or etude from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, G, F, B flat Minor keys: A, E, D, G Scales, staccato scales, parallel motion scales, contrary motion scale, chromatic scale, formula pattern scale, triads | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 3 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: G, D, F, B flat Minor keys: E, B, D, G Scales, staccato scales, parallel motion scales, chromatic scale, formula pattern scale, triads | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 4 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: D, A, B flat, E flat Minor keys: B, F#, G, C parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scale, chromatic scale, triads and tonic arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 5 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: A, E, E flat, A flat Minor keys: F#, C#, C, F – parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scale, triads, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Playback | Playing Clapping | Basic Rudiments |
Grade 6 | One selection from List A: Baroque 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: G, E, F, A flat, D flat Minor keys: G, E, F, G#, C# – parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scale, chromatic scale, triads, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Intermediate Rudiments |
Grade 7 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 18 One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 18 One selection from List C: Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 14 | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: C, D, A, E, B, B flat, E flat, G flat Minor keys: C, D, A, E, B, B flat, E flat, F#-parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scales, scales in octaves, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | None |
Grade 8 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 12 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 12 (1) | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Pentascales in: C, G, D major and A minor | Clapback Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments and Introductory Harmony (recommended) |
Grade 9 | One selection from List A: Baroque Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List B: Classical and Classical-style Repertoire 16 (1.5) One selection from List C: Romantic Repertoire 12 (1) One selection from List D: Post-Romantic, 20th/21st century Repertoire 12 (1) | two studies or etudes from Syllabus list | Major keys: ALL Minor keys: ALL-parallel motion scales, staccato scales, formula pattern scales, chromatic scales, scales in octaves, tonic four-note chords, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords, tonic arpeggios, dominant 7th and diminished 7th arpeggios | Clapback Intervals Chords Playback | Playing Clapping | Advanced Rudiments Basic Harmony or Basic Keyboard Harmony History 1: An Overview |
二. RCM考级的评分
RCM 的评分采用百分制计分,通过分是60分,考级的通过率不低,但老师打分还是挺严格的,需要认真对待。通常只有一个考官,既要负责打分数和写评语,又要负责 弹奏听音试题。不同级别的考试时间通常不同,越高级别的考试所需时间越长,比如五级一般要考15分钟左右,而八级则至少需要30分钟。每个考生按自己的意 愿填好一张考试顺序的表格,并提交演奏作品的谱子给考官。考官不会接受复印件的,因此,通常现场考试考生会提交其使用的RCM教材给考官。 有些加拿大的钢琴老师会建议考生达到8级水平时再参加8级考试,主要是因为只有8级证书才有用(转高中11和12年级的学分),前面的等级证书基本没有什 么用。不过其实钢琴考级不仅仅是为了证书,同时也是对孩子的一个鼓励,用实际成绩来证明他们的努力付出是获得认可的,同时也有助于家长对老师教学工作的督 促,了解孩子的学习进度。我建议可以从5级开始考,然后再考6、8、9和10级,具体可以和钢琴老师及孩子沟通确定。
三. RCM考级的特点
1. 大部分级别考试不要求背谱。RCM考级只要求10级以上考试必须背谱演奏,而9级以下(含9级)则设立了背谱分数,且只对应那3-4首不同时期的曲目,而练习曲可以不背奏,基本练习则要背奏。
2. 要申请表演或教师级别考试的考生必须完成先10级的演奏考试,且总分在75或至少每个考试项目得到70%的分数。其中申请教师证书则年龄要在18岁以上,且至少有一年实际教学经验。
3. 每个级别的考试几乎都要准备两首练习曲,但是它们才占12分,每首6分。这也可以反映出RCM考级对基本演奏技术的重视不如国内考级要求高。从技术难度 讲,对比RCM与国内考级相同级别的曲目设定,RCM考级除了10级以外对考级技术难度的要求要比国内同等级考试低1到2个级别。
4. 乐理知识对RCM考级同样很重要。乐理2级(Rudiments 2)要求考生在两个小时内,完成8页的习题,难度不低需要考生重视。